georgia gwinnett college

Student Transcript

Student Name: Jose M. Vazquez
Course ID Course Title Credit Hours Grade
Fall 2022
ANTH 1102 Intro to Anthropology 3 87
ENGL 1101 English Composition 1 3 83
ITEC 1001 Intro to Computing 4 95
MATH 1111 College Algebra 3 89
Semester Average 88 88
Spring 2023
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2 3 72
FILM 1005 Intro to Film 3 79
GEOG 1101 Intro to Human Geo 3 100
HIST 2111 Survey of U.S. Hist 3 86
PHED 1050 Body Sculpting 1 86
Semester Average 84 84
Fall 2023
BIOL 1101K Biology with Lab 4 76
HIST 1111 World History 3 84
ITEC 2110 Digital Media 4 77
POLS 1101 American Government 3 85
Semester Average 80 80
Overall Average 84 84